Why Does YouTube Keep Pausing?

Why does youtube keep pausing

As the world’s largest video streaming service, YouTube is generally a well-oiled machine that just works. Yet some complaints and problems pop up from time to time. One of the most common problems is that YouTube keeps pausing automatically. So, why does YouTube keep pausing, and more importantly, how can you fix it? There are … Read more

Super Chat: What Is It & How Does It Work

youtube super chat

Super Chats provide a platform for fans to sponsor content on YouTube. Fans pay to have their messages highlighted and pinned on a live stream. Usually, the host acknowledges the responses quickly. Content creators must meet ten criteria before offering the Super Chat function.  It’s challenging to produce content worth viewing. Unless you are a … Read more

Unlisted Videos: Visibility Settings You Need To Know

youtube unlisted videos

When a YouTube video’s visibility setting changes to “unlisted,” it’s no longer available to public users. To have access to the video, a user must have its link. Unlisted videos are less secure than private videos, which are inaccessible unless a user has special permission to view them. Let’s look at what unlisted videos mean … Read more

What Are YouTube Browse Features?

youtube browse features

YouTube’s Browse Features are essential for views on your YouTube videos. They often account for the most views on a channel, but what are YouTube browse features exactly? YouTube Browse Features are a set of features that make up the most common sources of traffic for YouTube Channels. A few of YouTube’s Browse Features include … Read more

What Are Impressions On YouTube?

youtube impressions

Many would-be YouTubers fail early on because they do not understand some of YouTube and Google’s terminology, like the phrase “impressions.” Numerous factors affect your performance on YouTube, and you need to understand what they mean to grow your channel. The number of impressions is one of these factors. So, what are impressions on YouTube? … Read more

How Much Data Does YouTube Use?

how much data does youtube use

YouTube is one of the world’s most popular social media streaming platforms, with hundreds of millions of users streaming videos daily on their smartphones alone. You are probably one of them wondering how much data this platform uses and how you can lower it. We’ll tell you.  The data usage for YouTube will vary based … Read more