Is Being A YouTuber A Real Job?

Many people in creative industries often get some negativity from others who believe their work cannot be seen as a “real job.” It is no different on YouTube. Regardless of how many followers or views a creator has, they may still hear these negative comments. Is being a Youtuber a real job?

YouTube offers job opportunities for millions of people worldwide and can be seen as a proper job when treated like one. Like any other job, YouTubers must put in work to get paid, and they also have to follow the guidelines created by YouTube. YouTube can be regarded as similar to any other occupation, and successful YouTubers can receive large paychecks.

Although many content creators on YouTube work with deadlines and schedules, most of the time, it is controlled by them.

Wondering how developing content on YouTube compares to a more traditional occupation?

Let us take you through all the factors and things to consider.

Can being a YouTuber be a full-time job?

A YouTuber is somebody who films, edits, and produces content for YouTube, the video-sharing platform. 

For some YouTubers, it’s only a fun hobby, and they use YouTube as a network to share their opinions or expertise with their followers. For others, being a YouTuber is a full-time job that pays their bills. 

You may call yourself a YouTuber if you post regular content to the platform or earn a stable income from your video content.

woman showing different make up palettes while recording a video

When you hear about YouTube and YouTubers in the media, they often draw attention to the fact that most content creators are wealthy, earning millions of dollars annually. 

YouTubers like Linus Sebastian earn millions from their YouTube channels per month, and he’s turned his once-small channel into a massive business that now employs many highly talented individuals.

This is mainly why being a YouTuber is considered an actual and full-time occupation. YouTube generates as much, if not more, attention than television and Hollywood, and it’s only growing exponentially. 

Suppose you are an outgoing person who can engage with people effectively, put in a lot of effort, and are clever enough to manage your income from YouTube. In that case, you can create a stable and fun career for yourself by being a YouTuber.

With this being said, it is essential to remember that a YouTuber’s success rate is not as high as it may seem. 

Most regular content creators may never be successful enough to earn enough money on YouTube to make it their full-time job and make it a stable income. 

As the YouTube platform continues to grow, more creators do get the ability to make YouTube their full-time job. However, no success is guaranteed. 

So, if you’re thinking of trying to earn a full-time income by being a YouTuber, you will be taking part in a tough battle many have tried and failed at, and you need a lot of perseverance.

How can you make money by becoming a YouTuber?

There’s no direct answer for how much a YouTuber can make, as you can make money on YouTube in many different ways, but here is a rough guide covering how much actual YouTubers in different niches earn from ads.

If you have currently only created your YouTube account because you’re trying a new way to create content, the thought may have crossed your mind that it has the potential to be more. 

Let’s look at the ways you can make money by being a YouTuber:

You can earn money by advertising

If you join YouTube’s partner program, you will be paid when ads appear on your videos.

Monetizing your YouTube channel by becoming a partner of YouTube is a great way to earn an income, as ads will be run before, after, and/or during your videos without needing additional work.

However, you can only join the YPP once you hit a thousand subscribers and get four thousand watch hours over a year. 

Additionally, one thing you should also keep in mind about monetization is that your viewers need to watch the specific ad for a certain amount of time or click on the ad for you to earn money through them. 

If you’re wondering how much YouTube will pay you, several factors influence this. Channels can earn anywhere from a couple of cents per 1,000 views to $40 or more per 1,000 views. Your channel niche, where the audience is based, and more play a big part in this.

To get a decent idea of how much you could earn with your channel, look at our YouTube earnings calculator here.

On the safe side, if you want to turn your YouTube channel into a stable and full-time income, you will have to have millions of views.

You can make money by doing research

Be sure to check out the top and most successful channels in the categories that you’re thinking about creating content for. 

This will give you more insight into what people are currently interested in and what types of content will do well.

Also, use tools like TubeBuddy to see what people are searching for in your niche and make content on those topics.

TubeBuddy Free Extension

You can make money by working with brands

Suppose you already have a large following on your other social media platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.

In that case, it will be much easier for you to build your audience on YouTube and become an active Influencer in a short amount of time.

You can also work with large brands or take sponsorship and promote their services or products on your YouTube videos.

You can make unboxing videos, do giveaways, or passively mention the brands and products in your videos to get paid or receive free merchandise from the brand.

Youtuber making a video about a headset

You can make money through crowdfunding

Being a YouTuber also allows you to crowdfund your channel and any other projects you may have. 

This means that your followers and subscribers will give you a one-time donation, or a monthly donation with a service like Patreon, allowing you to keep creating content or complete a specific project.

Most successful and top-earning YouTubers use more than one of these methods to make the most money from their video content.

Is being a YouTuber worth it?

If you put it in perspective, being a Youtuber could be more than worth it. Suppose YouTube is only a hobby for you. In that case, you can still enjoy and have fun filming, editing, and uploading videos to become a part of the creator community with no expectations. 

Suppose you’re interested in consistently creating creative content for YouTube on some specific topics. In that case, you can learn valuable skills such as camera techniques, keyword research, and learn how to make videos that get found on social media. 

It is important to remember that being a Youtuber will come with its ups and downs, as you will need to have thick skin and take criticism from subscribers. You need to have the personality and ability to communicate and converse positively and effectively and be an active creator.

Additionally, video quality, lighting, and a stable internet connection will be needed to maximize profits and know what type of subjects, topics, and opinions are trending at any given time. 

It could be more challenging to keep up, especially in the fast-paced world of social media, and YouTube is no exception. 

It would also be best to remember that if you want YouTube to become your full-time income or even a part of your source of income, you will need to create content for your audience and not yourself.

Final thoughts on YouTube as a job

So, is being a YouTuber a real job? The answer to that is a simple yes.

But it depends on what you want from YouTube and how much effort you’re willing to put in.

If you want to make YouTube your full-time career, it will require more work than simply uploading videos for fun.

However, becoming a successful YouTuber is possible if you’re willing to learn new skills, collaborate with other creators, and take feedback positively.

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